
Amanda Gay Love from Queer Spirit festival endorses us


LARP Alchemy

TBE where trained at the Nausika LARP training course.

Workshop feedback

Serge at Men in Touch gives a testimonial

Workshop feedback

Skye has something to say about the Squeal of consent

Skye did the bonobo experience workshop ‘The Squeal of consent’.

They talked about being so free and about to drop in to a space and see people without stereo typing.


How my M.A at central St Martins helped expand the Bonobo Experience

This is a good introduction to The Bonobo Experience and might help you get to grips with what we offer in our workshops and retreats.

Oxytocin is natural ecstasy

Oxytocin, a hypothalamic nonapeptide, is linked to increased levels of social interaction, well-being and anti-stress effects.

The effects of oxytocin that is released by sensory stimulation during different kinds of interactive behaviors are often underestimated or even forgotten. In fact, many of the positive effects caused during interaction, such a wellbeing, stress reduction and even health promotion, are indeed linked to oxytocin released in response to activation of various types of sensory nerves.


This has been spoken about in my workshops and we now use touch and affection to raise the level in oxytocin for participants

Oxytocin is released in response to activation of sensory nerves during labor, breastfeeding and sexual activity. In addition oxytocin is released in response to low intensity stimulation of the skin, e.g., in response to touch, stroking, warm temperature, etc. Consequently oxytocin is not only released during interaction between mothers and infants, but also during positive interaction between adults or between humans and animals. Finally oxytocin is also released in response to suckling and food intake. Oxytocin released in the brain in response to sensory stimulation as a consequence of these types of interactive behaviors, contributes to every day wellbeing and ability to handle stress. Food intake or sex may be used or even abused to achieve oxytocin-linked wellbeing and stress relief to compensate for lack of good relationships or when the levels of anxiety are high. The present review article will summarize the role played by oxytocin released by sensory (in particular somatosensory) stimulation, during various kinds of interactive behaviors. Also the fact that the anti-stress effects of oxytocin are particularly strong when oxytocin is released in response to “low intensity” stimulation of the skin will be highlighted.


Human individuals express different behaviors in order to feel well and to avoid tension and stress. Some of these behaviors are maladaptive and could be regarded as expressions of abuse, whereas others clearly represent healthy and natural ways of achieving every day wellbeing and relief from stress. A common denominator of several of the natural “soothing mechanisms” is that they often involve some type of sensory stimulation of skin or mucosa. Oxytocin, released within the brain from oxytocinergic nerves emanating from the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in response to such sensory stimuli, is of crucial importance for the positive effects linked to these self-soothing behaviors (Buijs, 1983Buijs et al., 1983Sofroniew, 1983Uvnäs-Moberg, 1998).

Jasons notes

Participants describe how the feel much more connected and relaxed once the have connected with others through grooming.


Sex in Live Action Role Play (LARP)


Bonobos are separated from Chimps and Gorillas

This is why bonobos evolved with a female lead. There is food in abundance so there was no need to fight for it like the Gorillas and the Chimps who are separated from the bonobos’ by the Congo river.


Emotional Intelligence

In two separate incidences in the same day I have learnt about my own self-awareness. In a book called the forgotten Ape, I read a term called personal psychological feedback. This had a immediate psychological feedback experience for me. Reading it did it, I reformed the loop of feedback there and then.t. And now listening to the four pillars of emotional intelligence I realise how deliberate I have been in ignoring my own psychological feedback. This makes me very sad because I have denied or sabotaged my own Self in order to pretend to be somebody else. This is personal and around my sexuality so I won’t allude to it here. But this awareness of psychological feedback is both profound and upsetting.


Sign language bonobo style



What next for the Bonobo Experience after my M.A

I’m thinking about the course and the bonobo experience, because we have a workshop this evening at Men in Touch massage. It got me thinking about where the project wants to go after this MA  ?

I am thinking like this because I don’t want the abrupt end to the project or a come down that can happen to me post education. So in order to maintain my wellbeing I want to propel the work forward in a psychological sense to guard against this.

I’m considering what it is that I’ve done and I’ve come to the conclusion that I have in fact developed a series of workshops, which could develop into Modules.

This is a resource that can help other people on the team run the bonobo experience. The extensive videos journals and feedback interviews plus the workshops and their schedules, feedback and analysis all provide a map to the bonobo experience and its future development.

The Bonobo Experience course is where people can learn a variety of skills that enable community cohesion. Perhaps we would run a bonobo experience retreat that focused on intimacy and have discussion around that. Our focus could also be  polyamory and its wider benefits to community. For the Motherhood we could talk about bereavement and how to deal with death in community.

The chimps versus bonobos theme of conflict resolution may be something that we could integrate. We could hire experts who do training around nonviolent communication or intimacy in polyamorous relationships. Any number of themes could be up for discussion at The Bonobo Experience. In essence this has been my thinking today about what next is beyond the course.